The Friends of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park was formally constituted on Wednesday 12th May 2021. 

1. Name

The name of the Association is Friends of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park" hereafter referred to as “the Association”.


2. Objects

The objectives of the Association are to:

2.1 Advance public understanding of the Regional Park and its environment;

2.2 Protect the Park against inappropriate development (e.g. industrial development); to safeguard the ecology and the landscape,

2.3 Conserve and develop the Park for the benefit and amenity of the public;

2.4 Protect, conserve and restore the habitats and biodiversity of the Regional Park; and

2.5 Promote public access throughout the Park in conjunction with the landowners and local authorities, as detailed in the Land Reform legislation and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.


3. Powers

In furtherance of the above objectives the Association may, by its own hand or in collaboration with others:

3.1 Employ and pay any persons to supervise, organise and carry on the work of the Association, although the board members will not be salaried;

3.2 Engage and pay fees to professional and technical advisers or consultants to assist in the work of the Association using a procurement process;

3.3 Work in liaison with representatives of voluntary organisations, government departments, local and other statutory authorities and individuals;

3.4 Take out membership of such organisations as are considered to be in the interests of and compatible with the objectives of the Association;

3.5 Promote and carry out research, surveys and investigations, and, where appropriate publish the results;

3.6 Collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the objectives, and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objectives, whether in Scotland or elsewhere;

3.7 Cause to be written and published such papers, books, periodicals or other documents as shall further its objectives;  

3.8 Subject to such consents as may be required by law, raise money in support of its objectives, and accept gifts, in such terms and on such securities as shall be deemed to be necessary;

3.9 Raise funds and invite and receive contributions in support of its objects from any person or persons, provided that the Association does not undertake permanent trading activities; and

3.10 This will all be on a “not for profit” basis.


 4. Membership and Subscriptions:

 4.1 Membership of the Association shall be open to all interested persons aged 16 years or over, on payment of such subscription that may be determined periodically by the Management Committee.

 4.2 Societies and other groups interested in the objectives and activities may affiliate on such payment as may be determined by the Management Committee. These organisations shall have only one vote;

 4.3 Honorary members may be elected at the discretion of the Management Committee, and may have voting rights;

 4.4 Subscription payment for membership shall be discretionary;


5. Management:

 5.1 The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee, hereafter referred to as “the Management Committee.”  The Management Committee shall have nine members, who shall already be members of the Association. They shall be elected at Annual General Meetings of the Association. There shall be three Management Committee members to represent each Local Authority area. There shall be no more than 2 office bearers representing one local authority area;

5.2 The members of the Management Committee shall serve for no longer than three years. After three years serving, a committee member can be re-elected;

5.3 Subject to prior acceptance of nominees, candidates for the Management Committee shall be nominated and seconded to the Secretary not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. In the event of there being less than nine nominations, nominations will be accepted “from the floor.” In the event of there being more than nine nominations an election will be held;

5.4 The Management Committee shall nominate from its membership, a Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary. There shall be no more than 2 office bearers representing one local authority area. The term of office shall not exceed three years. After three years serving, a committee member can be re-elected;

5.5 The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to serve on the Committee up to a maximum of 9 people, at any given time until the next Annual General Meeting;

5.6 The Management Committee shall have the right, for good and sufficient reason, to terminate the membership of any individual or organisation, provided the person or representative has the right of appeal to the Management Committee, and is informed of such within a reasonable timescale before a final decision is made. There will be a process for right to appeal in place;


6. Meetings of the Association:

 6.1 The Management Committee shall meet at least four times each year to discuss ordinary business. These meeting may take place online. Votes taken at such online meetings will be deemed to be legal;

6.2 Five members of the Management Committee, including at least one Office Bearer, shall be a quorum;

6.3 The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within four months of the Association’s year end and at least three weeks' notice of this meeting shall be given by the Secretary, who shall send copies of the agenda to members;

6.4 The business to be conducted by the Annual General Meeting shall include:-

a) Consideration of the annual report to be submitted by the Chairman;

b) Renewal of the accountant’s appointment and ensure the production of the annual audited accounts to 31st March; and

c) The election of Committee members;

6.5 Additional items for consideration may be raised by any member by giving not less than 14 days written notice to the Secretary, or at the Chairman's discretion at the meeting itself;

6.6 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned at the request of 5% of the Membership with 21 days notice given. Notice of such a meeting shall be sent by the Secretary to all members;


7. Finance:

7.1 The funds of the Association shall be managed by the Management Committee;

7.2 The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Association;

7.3 A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Association with such bank or building society as the Management Committee shall decide;

7.4 The Management Committee shall authorise three named members of the Management Committee, one from each Local Authority area, one of whom shall be the Treasurer, to sign cheques on behalf of the Association;

7.5 All cheques must be signed by two of the three authorised signatories;

7.6 Where the organisation uses electronic facilities for the operation of any bank or building society account, the authorisations required for operations on that account must be consistent with the approach reflected in clause 7.5.;


8. Amendment of the constitution:

8.1 This constitution may be approved or amended at an Annual General Meeting or at any extraordinary meeting specifically called for the purpose, with the support of two thirds of the members present and voting, provided one month’s notice of the date of discussion of the proposed amendment has been given to the Secretary;

8.2 The notice of such meeting shall state the terms of the proposed amendment;

8.3 The quorum for such a meeting will be 15% of the membership;


9. Application of funds:

9.1 The income and assets of the Association shall be expended only on the objectives set out in article two of this constitution;

9.2 Membership or affiliation will not entitle any person, society or group to any shares in the income or assets of the Association;

9.3 If the Association is to be wound up, any funds remaining after liabilities shall be used for the objectives of the Association set out in this constitution, this shall include:

Donations to another community  body,

Donations to a charity,


 This constitution was agreed and accepted on Wednesday 12th May 2021.

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